In ten years, I have accumulated many drawings, and although I no longer produce many, I still have the remnants. Stored away and lost from sight, they leave me with the feeling that they are nothing more than a dormant material, worn out by the gesture, and whose wear only matters for the surface. The paper could be revived. Crushed, restarted, I seek the possibility of a return in its weave and material. In this act of revival, the notion of waiting interests me. Where the word encompasses its entire definition, where it summons our desires as well as our assumptions, in a suspended time that gathers them. It speaks to us of prejudice and makes us think: “I expect this form or this material to behave in a certain way,” but in practice, the projection may collide with its reality. Starting from the forms of our daily life, I seek the discrepancy, to create doubt through illusion about what we believe we recognize.
Graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Drawing from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels (2020), Rodolphe Delacourt develops an artistic practice around the notion of waiting. Primarily using remnants or scraps of paper and nurturing the idea of a return through this material, he seeks to go back to the beginnings of its use. Placed in a new cycle, Rodolphe questions the future of this material and the habits that govern it. In their new forms, a game emerges between what they claim to be and what we invent to pass the time.