
I’d like to propose two series I’ve produced this year. The first series (L’échappée) is a series of monotypes (etching technique) and the second (The so-called laws of nature) is a series of large-format acrylic paintings on paper. L’échappée, 2023 It occurred to me that every time I start painting or drawing, I lose my subject, as if it were running away. I wanted to create a series that would put me to work on this questioning of my relationship to image and representation. For this series, I started with a painting of two people running away on a beach. I decided on a simple methodology: monotype being a transfer technique, I use the remains of the previous drawing to create a new image. In this way, the subject is transformed by the various attempts to “find the real subject of the image”. L’échappée, 2023 series of engravings (monotypes) on paper 105 x 78 cm The so-called laws of nature, 2023 For this series of landscape paintings, I wanted the space of the sheet to become a space where the connections between the different elements of the painting are brought to the fore. I think the act of painting brings me back to a form of abstract utopia, an attempt at reunification, particularly in terms of the binary split between the concepts of nature and artificiality. I often start with verticalities in the image, like a “statement” that I then move in all directions to break this axis and dissolve certainties. I’m looking for a constantly renewed freshness, so I create ruptures and arrangements between these materialities. In this way, the elements of the painting can find a more equitable link, new perspectives, new directions and circulations. And the painting bears witness to their collisions. The new arrangements between things become the subject and entities have disappeared in favor of these at first sight invisible links. The so-called laws of nature, 2023 series of paintings, acrylic on paper 125 x 150 cm.


Having completed a master’s degree in language sciences, followed by a bachelor’s degree in images, I continue to experiment with the evocative power of the image using painting (at the académie d’Ixelles), as well as printing techniques: screen printing, monotype, and papermaking at ABKA (anderlecht). It’s these two series that I’d like to introduce to this artist’s journey. As a multidisciplinary artist (video, installation, painting, comics), I work on other projects and enjoy collaborating with other artists! Hybridity, sleep, memory and the concepts of nature and artifice are recurring themes in my work.
