
I work with illustration and printmaking techniques on paper and textiles. Poetic, I highlight a moment in life, or current messages about women who have left their mark on time, or fragile nature. I base my work on photos found at flea markets or taken during my travels (Scandinavia, the Balkans, Europe, etc.).


Trained as a graphic designer and then as a screen printer, I have specialized in engraving techniques as well as printing on all media by creating my own mobile workshop utopykstudio since 2011. I’ve been a socio-cultural animator for almost 9 years in Genappe, Louvain la Neuve, Sombreffe and soon Namur. I’ve also been a skin engraver since 2020 with “studio mémère” located in Villers la Ville. My common thread is a constant desire to maintain a connection with childhood and nature.
